The MozzyJet Project

Our primary aim is to investigate the use of the drone technology in mosquito control. We develop tools and investigate optimum design principles to apply a biological insecticide, known as the Bti, by injecting precisely the required doses at the critical locations and time periods to maximise effectiveness and minimise collateral damage to the environment.

The MozzyJet HPS 2.0, our latest working prototype, uses a lightweight pressurised sprayer module to produce a high-velocity jet stream powerful enough to penetrate through vegetation and reach mosquito breeding sites underneath. On-board microcontroller (MSP430G2553) coupled with a pressure sensor (MS5803 14BA) enables precise regulation of the spray volume in response to the size of a breeding site. The container loaded with a high-concentration Bti solution ensures maximum number of applications (≈40) during the typical flight time of a multi-copter.

The lightweight sprayer module provides flexibility in the choice of the coupled UAV system. The current prototype is equipped with a long range hig-resolution video transmission system to identify breeding sites and adjust spray volume in real time.

The MozzyJet project believes in the open source philosophy and aims to use and produce software and tools available as open source. We use the iNavFlight/iNav navigation system as the autopilot of the multi-copter, and the firmware of the microcontroller of the sprayer module is available on GitHub with a GPL3.0 license.